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Aston Martin finds a way to convert traditional cars into EVs

With the environmental laws getting stricter by the day, the future looks rather uncertain for the retro car owners. British luxury car manufacturer Aston Martin has found an interesting way to convert pretty much any such vehicle into an EV. The process can be undone in a few easy steps.

To demonstrate the concept, the company introduced Heritage EV, a battery car based on the second-generation Aston Martin DB6 Volante.

The car received a removable electric motor assembly called the Cassette. It is essentially a standalone power unit that can be mounted using the existing transmission and engine mount points. The driver can control it using a dedicated display.

The contents of the Cassette remain a bit of a mystery right now. The company only reveals that the electric engine borrows most of its crucial components from the Rapide E liftback series. The latter comes equipped with two electric motors jointly capable of 610 hp (455 kW) and 950 Nm (701 pound-feet).

Aston Martin promises to launch a service to convert retro cars into EVs in 2019.

Photo: autoclassics.com

Editor: Artem Sukhanov


December 6, 2018

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