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Volvo’s new EV tows shipping containers in a seaport

In this latest YouTube video, a new all-electric vehicle designed by Volvo Trucks hauls marine shipping containers in the seaport of Gothenburg, Sweden.

The cabless self-driving car, which will celebrate its eventual market debut as the Volvo Vera, shares its powertrain with Volvo’s FE Electric and FL trucks. It is mainly intended for use in ports, industrial sites, and logistics centers.

Volvo Trucks struck a cooperation agreement with the maritime company DFDS a while ago. The self-driving truck project is one of their joint projects, which is still in an early test stage. Right now, the Volvo Vera trucks course along strictly predetermined routes at no more than 40 kilometers per hour (25 mph). All test vehicles are connected to each other via a wireless network and supervised by remote operators at all times.

Photos: Volvo Trucks

Editor: Sergei Musa


June 17, 2019

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